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Well, where do I start? My name is Eddy Hoffman, I’m 21 and have been playing drums for most of my life. My brother and father are both musicians, so I just kinda caught along fast because I was around it all the time. I have been playing metal and double bass stuff for about 6 or 7 years now . Lucky for me, my brother is a very talented jazz drummer, so I have much influence to take from him, and he can answer any question I have.
When I started getting pretty fast double bass, and tight on my blast beats, I started my first band CANCER WHORE with my best friend around 2003. With this band I did alot of my first shows and recordings. We have traveled to various cities around the southern United States chopping heads everywhere we go. Cancer Whore has recently gained new members and we are currently writing for our second release.
As for what my future holds, I am playing drums for 3 bands at the moment, Cancer Whore, Prophecy, and Psychiatric Regurgitation. I just got back from a european Tour with Prophecy and go back for another in July of 2008. I am also recording the 3rd release by Prophecy entitled, “Dont Fucking Mess with Texas” starting on February 15th at Origin Sound in Houston, Texas. Cancer Whore and Psychiatric Regurgitation are going on tour in May of 2008 from Florida to Texas, and Cancer Whore will also be playing a Death Fest in Cancun, Mexico in September. So it looks as if it is going to be a nice year for the Edster.
Eddy Hoffman Interview: How old were you when you started playing?
Eddy: I first played a “boom pop” beat at age 2, so I guess pretty young haha….maybe wasnt tight, but the drive was there at least :/ Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Eddy: I didn’t play in a school band. Part of me regrets it, but in High School, I just wasn’t that kind of guy. I was already 2 years older than everyone, and playing in bars with my death metal band…plus, I learned everything I would have there from my brother. Who are your top 5 influences?
Eddy: My top 5 influences would have to be Flo Monier, John Longstreth, Anthony Temaccio, Inferno, and John Hoffman (that is what I would consider as the main 5 that “my’ style has derived from. Assuming that influences doesn’t mean favorites, who are your favorites?
Eddy: Some of my favorites would have to be Derek Roddy, Thomas Lang, George Kollias, Antonio Donadeo and Dustin Pearl is probably my favorite “new” guy on the scene. New to me anyway.( there is a huge list of course, but figured 5 would be adequate) Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation
Eddy: I change through cd’s so much, but some that I jam very often would be any cd from any of these bands: Origin, Spawn of Possession, Beneath the Massacre, Psycroptic, or Beheaded….they soothe my “soul” What do you do to warm up before a show?
Eddy: Well, I always start off with slow single strokes and slowly speed them up until my muscles get warmed up, I dont do too much pre show warm ups, usually once it is time to play, my adrenaline pumps so hard it really doesnt matter how tired I am. After the first song Im good to go, but I always make it a point to go over the songs in my head before the show. If not, then it is very possible that something will slip my mind during the set, which has happend too many times to count. So that would have to be the main thing that I have picked up over the years… not the physical part, but the mental. Can you remember a night you think was your best playing ever? If yes, when and where?
Eddy: I can’t say that I recall my best performance, but one of my most awesome memories is playing the NRW Deathfest in Wermilskirchen, Germany. About 400 crazy sob’s going nuts!!!! Great time!!!! Do you have a favorite brand of drums or cymbals?
Eddy: My favorite brand of drums and cymbal??? Im a Zildgian cymbal kinda guy. I like Premier and DW drums, but I have grown a huge liking to the stuff that TRICK is putting out. If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Eddy: Don’t loose your passport while on tour in another country!!!!! and if you do, have a credit card…. Saves alot of hassle. I wish I woulda had one Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
Eddy: Derek Roddy with Hate Eternal blew me away. The tightest drummer I had ever seen!!!! If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?
Eddy: Start my journey at becoming the greatest bass player of all time
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