Chris Wilson

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Chris Wilson

I started messing around with drums for fun when I was in elementry school. I have always been around drums and music in general. Back in 2000 I got into my first band Enkryption. It was more rock, Alice in Chains, grunge rock music. That band was my first experience as far as writing and recording my own songs. After that, things started to get heavier and faster with another project called Cadence. Gary and I, a good friend of mine, started writing songs for Cadence around 2003. That was the first project I was in when I started to play fast double bass and blastbeats. In 2005 Cadence ended and I joined two bands at the same time.(what was I thinkin!!).Gornography and Troglodyte are the 2 bands that I currently play in and they are both very extreme. (which is making me get better and better every day). We have opened for a bunch of great national acts such as Nile, Vital Remains, Monstrosity, Obituary, Unleashed, Unmerciful, Diskreet and many more. Hopefully in the near future we can get out and do some touring.

Throughout 2004 through current, I am always jamming and recording songs in my personal studio with many guitar players. I think doing alot of studio work and playing with different musicians is very important to a drummer. For now,I am out watching different drummers learning new techniques that I can incorporate into my bands and style of drumming.




Chris Wilson Interview: How old were you when you started playing?

Chris:I actually could play some simple beats at the age of 4. My uncle was in bands when I was young and I would always jam around on their drummer’s set. I started getting serious with it around 16 playing music like Alice in Chains, Korn, etc. Then came the blasts and metal around 2000 and I have been playing metal ever since. Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Chris:Never did. I was not that good when I was in school. Who are your top 5 metal influences?

Chris: Seeing Cannibal Corpse for the first time in 2000 blew my mind. That was the first time I saw a drummer play blasts. Immediatly, I started trying to play blast beats and got my first double pedal. I believe they were cheap Tama double pedals. I didn’t think I would ever figure out how to play double bass but I never stopped trying and got decent at it. After that, definetly John Longstreth, James King, Derek Roddy and Nick Barker. Seeing those drummers play when I was just starting to play Death Metal was insane and I knew that’s what I wanted to play. Who are some other of your favorites?

Chris:So many unbelievable drummers George Kollias, Jojo Mayer, Andy Taylor, it just goes on and on…..



Chris Wilson Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Chris: Origin Antithesis
Unmerciful Unmercifully Beaten
Nile, all albums
Skinless from Sacrafice to Survival
Cynic Focus What do you do to warm up before a show?

Chris: Snare drum with practice pad on top and I warm up with my pedals. Without a drum or pad, just let the beaters fully extend. To me it makes it easier for when I get on the kit. Do that for about 15-20 min and I’m ready to go. Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have effected your playing?

Chris:I don’t read music I’m fully self-taught. I’ve had a few tips from other drummers.  But for the most part, self taught. I think that soon,I will get into reading music and getting into the more technical/theory side of music. Can you tell us about the gear you use?

Chris: I change my set up all the time. Right now I’m playing Black Pearl exp. drums. 10,12 toms for rack, 14 for floor tom. I actually converted the 13 tom that came with the set and turned it into a snare. It’s super deep and sounds amazing! I also use a 14×5 1/2 rocketshell carbon snare. if I’m not using the converted tom. Cymbals are an assorted mess of Zildjan and Paiste. Axis longboards for the pedals and ddrum4 se drumbrain for triggers only on the kicks. Remo heads.



Chris Wilson If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Chris:Just never say or think you can’t do it. Getting into metal drumming is not an easy thing. There is no trick another drummer is going to tell you that is going to make you a machine over night. Practice. It’s all about practice. It will eventually come. Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Chris: Without a doubt, Oct. 3, here in KCMO, Origin Longstreth! After every song all I could do is turn to the person next to me and shake my head. Unbelievable technique, speed and control. Amazing!!!! If you had to stop drumming, what would you want to do with your life?

Chris:Definately get into recording/producing bands.


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