Allan MacDonald

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I have been playing drums in the extreme metal genre for nearly 5 years. With my current band it would be 4. Since joining the band I have toured most of the world extensively for the past 2 years. Playing places like America, Russia, Central Europe, UK, etc. Since picking up drumsticks for the first time at the not so young age of 13 compared to most drummers I have made it a mission to become better every time I get behind a kit.

The first time I got to play a drumkit was in school, when we were supposed to pick an instrument to major in. I picked drums obviously, but found it hard to stick with the program, which was to learn the piece which was required for the exam. Instead I would just stick my earphones in and jam along to things like Metallica, Slayer, and the first few seconds of Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse. Then one of my friends got a drumkit and we would go upto his house and bash away for like 10 minutes at a time until we were told to shut up.

Eventually I joined a band but it wasn’t even remotely metal, which bored me to death. Then I finally joined a metal band and got playing around the Glasgow scene and I put the word out that I was looking to play in something heavier and the rest is history!

I didn’t receive lessons or tutoring and I have never actually owned a drumkit in my life, blasphemy I know! But because of these factors I have always had to work twice as hard to achieve my current standing. It is this strong work ethic that helps me to succeed, that and the constant yelling of my guitarist “Get Better!” “Get Faster!” of which I have to say I wouldn’t be half the drummer I am today.

Allan MacDonald Interview:

SDM: How old were you when you started playing?

Allan: I was 13 when I started playing drums, but I always knew I was going to be a drummer. Ever since I was like 5 years old and saw Alex Van Halen in the music video for Jump, saw the drumkit and said “Yeah I’m going to do that!”
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?

Allan: No I never played in any school bands or anything like that, we never had anything like that in my school. I played in bands with friends when I was younger then I got into death metal and never looked back!
SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?
Allan: I would have to say, James King – Unmerciful, John Longstreth – Origin, Derek Roddy – Hate Eternal, Paul Masurcewicz – Cannibal Corpse and John Rushforth – Infected Dissaray/Gorerotted


SDM: Who are some other of your favorites?

Allan: I would have to say Kris – Introrectal Gestation, Smith – Reth/Kastrated, Lyn – Ingested, Eric – Devourment, Chris – Human Rejection, Lille – Defeated Sanity and Tom – Scatorgy, that little guy is amazing!
SDM: Let us know 5 CD’s that are in your current rotation

Allan: At the moment I have, Human Rejection – Decrepit To Insanity, Insidious Decrepancy – Extirpating Omniscient Certitude, Defeated Sanity – Psalms Of The Moribund, Putrid Pile – House Of Dementia and Inveracity – Execution Of Millions.
SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?
Allan: I mostly just tap on things to be honest, sitting on a chair and playing double bass tapping my feet on the floor is a good way to warm up your legs, and tapping my hands on my knees at the same time seems to work quite well.
SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have effected your playing?

Allan: No I don’t read music, and I think that if I was able to read musical notation it would help my all round playing ability, but there is always time to learn this, so I don’t think that I will ever phase out the possibility of being able to one day.
SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you use?
Allan: I use Vic Firth 7AN Sticks, small for death metal I know but the lighter they are the faster I play. I have Axis A Double pedal Longboards in Classic Black with Iron Cobra beaters because they are the lightest beaters I can find. I have an old school Pearl Export steel snare drum which has a good popping sound to it, and an array of cymbals which are:

13" Sabian AAX Fast Hats, Two 19" Sabian AAXTreme Chinas, 16" Zildjian A Custom Fast Crash, 61/2" Zil-Bel, 12" Sabian mini China, 18" Sabian Saturation Crash (Virgil Donati Signature Series), 10" Zildjian Splash and a 20" Sabian Ping Ride.


SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…

Allan: Practice more than me, haha. Which wouldn’t be hard! But yeah practice a lot, and always ask questions from other drummers including the touring ones, don’t be afraid to ask for pointers if your not sure about anything at all.
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?

Allan: I think that would have to be John Longstreth with Origin when we played with them at the Central Illinois Metalfest in 2008, they were on just before Suffocation and he commanded that stage man, it was impressive!
SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?

Allan: Smoke cigarettes, drink the occasional beer, have a laugh. Not much, haha. Drumming is were it’s at.



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