New Server Changes…
SickDrummer.com & GrindStix.com have moved to a new server. Thanks to the amazing response and continued hits we are receiving, we moved to a new hosting provider and migrated the sites this afternoon. If you do not receive […]
SickDrummer.com & GrindStix.com have moved to a new server. Thanks to the amazing response and continued hits we are receiving, we moved to a new hosting provider and migrated the sites this afternoon. If you do not receive […]
The band tracked four songs today. They spent roughly 6 hours tracking 4 songs of which half of that time was spent making sure the arrangements were to thier liking, before recording them to a final cut. We are pleased […]
Dave just called from the studio and said the band worked on three songs today. The day went well and they are still on track to start recording tomorrow night. The band will be jamming tomorrow afternoon […]