Sick Drummer Records – Brutal Beatings VI

The first CD from Sick Drummer Records – Brutal Beatings VI , is now available for pre-order! It has taken a little while longer SDR Brutal Beatings Pre-Order!than expected and was a great learning experience, but long story short… It's done! This album features 13 tracks of Brutal Drumming! Some grind, some death, some hardcore and a touch of progressive. You can help support these bands and, by ordering yourself a copy!

This CD features Exclusive Tracks from Emeth and Hyperion! The other bands featured are as follows: Kronos, Diskreet, Sarcolytic, All Will Fall, Asphixation, Braindrill, Dead Beyond Buried, Sculptured Wounds, Prejudice, Reciprocal and Burn Everything. We will be submitting the master to production on Tuesday and expect to have it finished and fully available by 2/15/08.

Please spread the word and get yourself a copy of Brutal Beatings ! The first album of it's kind…. 

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