New Skull Design on Merch!

SD 3 Skull LogoNew "3 Skull" design on some T-shirts (long or short sleeve) and Hoodies, on our "Merch Page!" All our gear is printed on Anvil Heavy Weight Blend Activewear. Please support our site and pick one up! We would like to Thank everyone for the continued support and let you know, we have much more in store for the year! Be sure to stay tuned for: More signed giveaways, interviews, Sick Drummer Radio, GrindStix – our own line of drum sticks, more designs on our merchandise and 2 new blogs!

We have one blogger who will be attending Berklee and submitting instructional text & video lessons on a regular basis and The other blog will be run by "The Gore King" Be sure not to miss any blogs! We are very excited about them, as they look to be very informative and useful!

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