Drummer Slaughter!

On Wednesday 7/23 we are sending a crew to the Summer Slaughter tour stop in Denver, CO. We will be capturing sound board audio and filming the performance of each drummer on the tour. The video footage, pictures & interviews conducted by John Merryman of Cephalic Carnage (Relapse Records), Andon Guenther of Enemy Reign & our own Randy Eichner,  will all be put together in a special “Drummer Slaughter” issue of Sick Drummer Magazine. Each and every drummer on this tour is a name that is recognized the world over.
This special issue will be available for free, to any subscribed member of www.sickdrummermagazine.com. A hi-res pdf will also be available for purchase from our website, for those who would like to print and keep it. Our premier issue is online now! Just login and choose “premier issue” from the user menu. Stay tuned for this and many other original & sick promotions from the staff at Sick Drummer Magazine…

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