Doomsday X – Album Journal Part 3

Dave CulrossDave just called from the studio and said the band worked on three songs today. The day went well and they are still on track to start recording tomorrow night. The band will be jamming tomorrow afternoon for a couple hours, then start tape! Gus Rios, also featured on our site, will be handling the initial recording. Then, the production is in the hands of Tue Madsen of AntFarm Studios, Denmark.  The band has been working on the artwork for the cover but, still no final decisions have been made. The new Paiste Cymbals are arriving tomorrow, in time for tracking and Dave is playing his black GMS Grand Master Series for the album. They have not decided on a final look for his new kit and decided to wait until after the recording of Doomsday and the 2007 WFD Competitions, to finalize the new kit. GMS is very busy during WFD and Dave is obviously tied up, being Sick!

Dave and Phil are going to attempt to get a video camera in the studio and shoot a few minutes of footage for! If they are able to do it, we'll post it up immediately! This would be the first video footage of this line-up in years and we Thank them for trying to get it! Stick around for more on the Doomsday X recording process… Thanks Dave & P.

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