Culross Corner Introduction

"I would like to start the column off with with a brief overview and explain what I would like to accomplish. My biggest reward from playing the drums, is to see the knowledge and ability to make great music, spread trough the people I help. This way, we may all benefit from hearing better musicianship in players".  Please login or register for a free user account and read the rest of Dave's intro statement …Then check back often, for new column posts from one of the Masters of Metal Drumming, Dave Culross.

Dave and Malevolent Creation are confirmed for the Brutal Assault Fest in the Czech Republic, on August 10th and the Party Sans Fest the next day, August 11th in Germany. Then, August 19th they co-headline with Posessed (their only US performance) in California at the Gathering of the Beastial Legions Fest. Dave says, "I am psyched because we will be playing some new tunes and because these should be killer fests!" 

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