Hey Sicko's! Just wanted to let everyone know a little about what I have been working on… A two song recording for Malebolgia took place last weekend in SubSonic Studios here in LI. The recording displays some advanced footwork and is played in the brutal style of Polish Death Metal.
On Monday, Jay Blachowitcz is flying up here to start the recordings for "Intent To Kill", the latest and greatest of the bands I will soon be accomplished with. To note, the members are Kyle Symons on vox, Rob Barrett on guitar, Chris Basile on guitar, Jason Blachowitcz on bass and myself grindin! Chris Basile and I have been working on a song prior to Jay coming that is coming out amazing! Demoing is going to be recorded in SubSonic Studios, as well.
I will also be doing a demo in the first or second week of February, with Joe Cincotta on guitar, Derek Boyer on bass, Trevor of Black Dahlia Murder on vox and again, myself hittin' em. The name for this project is going to be announced very shortly.
A recording with Tom and Russ (ex-Gorgasm) is in the future. The band is named Sadistic and the material I have guitars of is sick! It sounds Dark and just as the name states, Sadistic sounding!!!
I have been asked to play on the next Solstice album with James Murphy, but the recording is not scheduled yet. I have not received any pre-production demos, either. The plan is for March and we will keep you up to date, here on sickdrummer.com
I will be selling the snare head I used to record Doomsday X with on Ebay, starting Feb. 2nd. It was signed by everyone right when I finished my tracks and I removed it. The head is still 100% playable. It will include a full color Doomsday X album cover poster, as a free bonus for the winner. I will give you the auction # once I list it.
Thanks, Dave Culross…
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