Direct Sound EX-29 Extreme Isolation Headphones


SDM Product Review: Direct Sound's EX-29 Extreme Isolation Headphones.
By Dross – Issue 11

I know, it’s not the most high-tech discussion but it’s one that needs to be had nonetheless.  The truth of the matter is that isolation headphones are a product of modern drumming technology even if there isn’t any software involved!  When I was around twelve I got my first drum set and was very fortunate that my mother insisted I take at least a few lessons and also that the drummer I was working at this particular music store was a stickler for metronomes and being rock solid with them.  As an audio engineer and producer I cannot express to you how important it is that you learn to play with a metronome (click track).  This doesn’t mean that you can’t change the tempo and meter a million times during one song if that is your thing, it just means you are going to stay in time doing it.  Your engineer will have a much easier time editing your drum tracks and the rest of your band members will be able to lay down their tracks much easier if you can lay down your beats to a click.  It will also allow your engineer to cut and paste things like vocal choruses if need be as well and this will all save time and therefore money.
Isolation headphones cut out a significant amount of outside noise enabling you to hear whatever is being played through them with ease.  They will enable you to pipe in a metronome, or perhaps a CD or new material one of your band members sent you without having to turn your stereo to TEN!!  I don’t know if this is you but I remember back in the day when I’d have music cranking through some headphones, just blasting in my head to the point of my headphones beginning to distort and I STILL couldn’t hear because of the sheer volume of my drums.  Isolation headphones will put an end to this problem and enable you to rehearse or record with ease.  Isolation headphones will help to save your hearing in the long run.
It’s my opinion that the best isolation headphones on the market today are made by Direct Sound.  I use Direct Sound’s EX-29 Extreme Isolation Headphones both in my personal rehearsing and for the clients at my recording studio.  The EX-29’s are an all-plastic construction and only weigh eleven and a half ounces. They also have a long cord that isn’t one of those damn coily, springy (I know, very professional of me) cables that always seem to be pulling your head towards the plug. Direct Sound also sells replacement parts for the headphones which can all be easily replaced with ease.  You can literally replace all of the parts by hand with the exception of the drivers (speakers) themselves.  If you have to replace the drivers, that is extremely easy to do as well.  The only tool needed for that process is a flat screwdriver to open the casing.  The replacement drivers come with a new cable attached to them and are adhesive-backed so there are no real tools needed here either.
You need to protect your hearing, you need to practice with a metronome and therefore you need to buy a pair of isolation headphones.  I suggest that you buy Direct Sound’s Extreme Isolation Headphones.  I’ll leave you with a link to do some more investigating:  
As always, your questions, suggestions, accolades, and hate mail can be sent to: Dross[at]

На юге "Привидений не бывает"и востоке небо было ясным.

Но "Позволь называть тебя милой"мне лично "Русско-немецкий разговорник для практичных"нравится, мужественно заключил капитан.

Билли "Русский язык. Занимательное словообразование. 8-11 классы"медленно вернулся к дороге "Подумай и отгадай"и пошел по ней.

Пусть "Молитвослов учебный церковнославянским и гражданским шрифтом с поучениями"они идут своим путем, "Школа доброты. Бойцы Армии Добра и Милосердия"а я пойду своим.

Я вздрогнул "Дети Арбата. Роман в 3-х книгах. Книга 3. Прах и пепел"от боли, когда она "Нина и заклятье Пернатого Змея: Книга третья"прижала меня своим, жестким "Конец истории и последний человек"локтем.

И за это они пали, раздавленные невероятной мощью.

Это перебор в игре "бесплатные игровые автоматы пробки" по делу о краже тел.

Я "карта и территория мишеля уэльбека скачать" предпочитал колдовство, но колдуны во Дворах ценились на пятачок за пучок.

В "краткое содержание хамелеон чехов" этом случае микропроцессор, или хотя бы его "скачать сборник игры на сенсорный телефон" левое визуальное поле, будут стремиться затемнить "краткое содержание три толстяка-олеша" и лишить Хольдструпа доброй половины обзора.

Ничего не получится, "Приключения Песика и Кошечки" покачала головой Сильвия, наши "Логопедическое лото. Учим звуки С-С’" радиостанции тоже молчат.

Кристаллическая решетка дрожала "игровые автоматы деревня дураков" от непомерной задачи, возложенной на нее.

Демон узнал великого "игровой автомат alcatraz" художника по фотографии, которую он видел в учебнике по "а.н.радищев путешествие из петербурга в москву краткое содержание" истории искусства, будучи еще студентом в Университете Преисподней.

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