Seven Antonopolous Interview Continued From SDM Issue 11

This Seven Antonopolous interview is a continuation from the March 2010 issue of Sick Drummer Magazine. To read the entire interview, subscribe NOW and login for access to all issues, past and present!

Interview by: Noel Smart

SDM: Martin Schmidt, Moritz "Dragomir" "Gilvn" Neuner, and Nicholas Howard Barker also played in Leaves’ Eyes and Atrocity.  Do you think you link with them stylistically in some way?  What is the difference between your playing and their playing?

Seven: To be honest, I think we’re really different stylistically.  I don’t know much about Mortiz other than playing the tunes he tracked.  Nick on the other hand is a good friend and an amazing player.  I love the stuff he did with Dimmu.  I think Nick is one of the best extreme metal drummers, where I’m more of a rock kind of player.  Not better or worse, just different in how we approach drums and drumming.

SDM: How much of the older death metal material from Atrocity do you play off of Todessehnsucht and Hallucinations?

Seven: At this point, we’re not playing anything off those records, although we will be playing some older stuff at Wacken this year.  It’s the Atrocity 20th anniversary show.  It will be fun to dust off the old songs and give them a new flavor.

SDM: What’s next?

Seven: Well, we have a tour in March with Kamelot that should be a blast.  Then the European festival season starts.  South America and Asia are in the works.  I’ll be doing clinics throughout this year as well.  Also, I’ll be doing a few drum festivals that will be announced soon.  We will be out with Kamelot in the USA in September.  At this point, I’m just happy to be working and able to do what I love for a living!

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