
Mike Flores of OriginMike Flores of Origin has taken on the task of helping out Gorgasm on their upcoming tour and DVD.  While this isn't entirely "drummer news", we thought it was interesting and worthy of credit. Tom & Gorgasm wanted to make sure that as many people were aware of this and how appreciative they are for Mike helping them keep their booked shows. You can catch Gorgasm with Mike Flores at the Open Air Death Fest June 9th in Hunxe, Germany with bands like these: Despondency, Wormed, Putrid Pile, Keitzer, Irate Architect, Happy Face, Foetopsy, Fecal Corpse, Aversion to Life, Resurrected, Guttural Secrete, Suppository, Jack Slater, Sinister, Aborted, Immolation, Mucopus and more…

Gorgasm will also be performing at The Mountains of Death 07' in Switzerland – August 18th

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