This exclusive SDM video is drummer Nathan Cotton of Gigan playing-through ‘Clockwork With Thunderous Hooves.’
A few words from Nathan: “I got my first drum kit when I was 10 years old and I still play on that kit to this day. I started playing drums originally with a few friends, jamming more extreme music while I was in high school. I went through a few bandmates and projects from Mortally Pierced to Vomit Machine Gun to now Bedlam of Cacophony. I was chosen to play drums for Gigan back in 2008 and went on tour with them after the release of “Order of the False Eye” and before the writing of the “Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes” record. After a few years went by, I ended up joining Gigan full-time, recording the drums for ‘Multi-Dimensional Fractal Sorcery And Super-Science’, and touring the US, Canada, and Europe within the last few years. For “Multi…,” I tried to mesh the style and grooves that each of the previous drummers had lent to the Gigan sound while adding my own style to the mix. I am really happy with how that record came out. This new one, however, has me extremely satisfied with the drum sounds and blend of styles, because it just feels right. I think we really hit our groove with this one and I hope anyone who listens will get that same feeling.”
Nathan’s Gear – used on ‘Undulating Waves Of Rainbiotic Iridescence’
Pearl Masters Kit:
10” and 12” Rack Toms
16” Floor Tom
22” Kick
Trick Bigfoot Pro 1-V Double Pedal
14” Pearl Free Floating Snare
Zildjian A-Custom:
14” Mastersound Hats
16” Crash
17” Crash
20” Ping Ride
18” China
9.5” Bell
Sabian HHX 16” O-Zone Crash
Pro-Mark Select Balance ‘Rebound’ 5A
‘Undulating Waves Of Rainbiotic Iridescence’ is available September 15th via Willowtip records.
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