SDM: How old were you when you started playing?
Kenneth: I was introduced at a very young age. My dad has baby pictures of me sitting on his lap on his old Rogers kit! I didn’t really start feeling the drive until about 16 or so when I had joined my first band in high school.
SDM: Did you play in a school band or any drum corps?
Kenneth: I did ya! I played the quints in drum corps for a few years in high school! We did the usual stuff, football games and small downtown parades. My first band started in high school too. We were a rock band, called The Battle of Midway. We slowly kinda progressed into a thrash band over the years. We started becoming stagnant so a few of us left to start new projects.
SDM: Who are your top 5 metal influences?
Kenneth: I hate this question, impossible to answer haha.
The first drummer that inspired me to actually start playing death metal was Joey Jordison. I had never really listened to heavier music before and a friend in high school showed me Slipknot’s first album, and I was blown away by it. It was just so heavy and fast at the time. I feel like that band really helped me to decide what kind of drummer I was.
Lyle Cooper earns a spot. Planetary Duality was such a stupid good album, and Lyle just nailed everything. He opened up a lot of doors for me as a metal drummer. Super smart player IMO.
Next up I gotta give it to Shannon Lucas. I had no idea what a blast beat was prior to listening to Nocturnal. Definitely would not be the drummer/musician I am today if it wasn’t for Shannon and The Black Dahlia Murder.
4th I think would probably be Mike Heller. I was introduced to him a few years back and his versatility just completely blew my mind. Definitely hope to get to that level one day but I feel like that”s pretty far-fetched cuz that dude is absolutely insane lol.
Last I think has to be (and not just cuz were homies) Probably Gabe Seeber. I met him a long time ago when he was first starting out with the Kennedy Veil and I was floored. Someone local completely destroying like that blew my mind. Since then, I watched him progress as a fellow drummer, and I feel like he’s really helped me to find the motivation and inspiration to keep pushing my personal boundaries.
SDM: Who are some of your other favorites?
Kenneth: Non-metal drummers – Chris Coleman, Wojtek Deregowski, and Justin Scott off the top. Just insanely well-rounded players, that help me to think outside of the box when I approach writing metal.
SDM: Let us know 5 CDs that are in your current rotation
Kenneth: I don’t really own CDs anymore lol. I usually just listen to CryoChamber when I’m out and about. Just kinda darker ambient electronic music. Noise. Album-wise, I’ve been jammin’ hard on Tribal Tech, The latest Vildhjarta, and Inferi (both absolute fire). I actually have been kinda venturing down the nostalgia rabbit hole, All Shall Perish, Red Chord, stuff like that.
SDM: What do you do to warm up before a show?
Kenneth: Usually nothing. I just try to stay hydrated and stretch a bit. I MIGHT do some singles or something on the pad but typically I just go in when it’s time.
SDM: Do you read music? Regardless of answering yes or no, please tell us how it might have affected your playing?
Kenneth: I used to be able to read music, yes. I took piano lessons in middle school but unfortunately never kept up on it. Sight-reading drums I think would be extremely helpful when I have a lot of session work on my plate. Would be nice to just knock it out while reading it. One day maybe I’ll crack down and do it.
SDM: Can you tell us about the gear you currently use?
Trick Dominators Direct Drive pedals
Mapex Sledgehammer
Mapex Armory
10″, 12″, 16″, 22″ kick. (I have a 14″ tom but it’s currently being used as a table lol.)
14″ Sabian AAXplosion hats
18″ Sabian Holy China
19″ Sabian Dark Crash
10″ Sabian AAXplosion splash
8″ Sabian AAX Splash
16″ Meinl Classic Customs Dark stack
19″ Sabian AAXplosion fast crash
18″ Meinl Classic Brilliant Big Bell ride
18″ Sabian AAX Chinese cymbal
Roland RT-30k Trigger/SPDS-X pad
For my sessions I use a Focusrite 18i20 and an Octopre, I track and edit in Cubase. I have 6 pairs of Rode M5s for overheads and spot mics, 2 SM57s for snare top and bottom, 2 TGD57s for rack toms, a Sennheiser e906 for my room, and a Sennheiser e 602-II for my floor tom.
SDM: If you could give one piece of advice to young drummers, it would be…
Kenneth: Don’t stop practicing! Even if it’s just for 20 minutes a day. Whether it’s on a pad or a kit, or just writing drums out on guitar pro or whatever daw you’re using. I find that mental stimulation is almost just as important as a physical practice, if not more! Also, don’t worry about comparing yourself to everyone on social media and stuff. More often than not it’s very doctored up performances. Just focus on yourself, develop discipline, and be dedicated to whatever your craft is, and you’ll get there!
SDM: Who gave the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
Kenneth: Matt Garka, hands down. The dude is an animal.
SDM: Aside from drumming, what else do you like to do?
Kenneth: Music aside, I enjoy outdoor activities a lot! Hiking, skiing, going to the gym! The couch potato side enjoys video games and anime
Kenneth’s Video & Links:
Throne of Misanthropy Drum Play-through
Shrine of the Obscene Drum Play-through
Vortex of Self Drum Play-through
The Odious Construct
The Ritual Aura
The Odious Construct
The Ritual Aura
More project announcements and content soon!