Hate Eternal Release Track Listing + Pre-orders Available!


Hate Eternal are back and ready to destroy death metallers with Phoenix Amongst the Ashes, the follow up to their 2008 behemoth Fury & Flames. Albert Mudrian of Decibel Magazine declares that Phoenix Amongst the Ashes is "the best death metal record I've heard in FOREVER!" while the folks over at Metal Sucks proclaim that "Phoenix Amongst the Ashes is the moment Erik Rutan's entire career has been leading towards — it's heavy, it's catchy, and it's innovative. This is the best death metal album of 2011 so far, and other bands are going to have to work pretty hard to top it."

Track listing for Phoenix Amongst the Ashes:
1. Rebirth
2. The Eternal Ruler
3. Thorns of Acacia
4. Haunting Abound
5. The Art of Redemption
6. Phoenix Amongst the Ashes
7. Deathveil
8. Hatesworn
9. Lake Ablaze
10. The Fire of Resurrection
Hate Eternal recorded their fifth studio album at frontman Erik Rutan's own Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, FL with mastering handled by Alan Douches of West West Side. J.J. Hrubovcak has been added as the band's bassist, alongside the devastating combo of Erik Rutan on guitar and Jade Simonetto on drums.
Commented Rutan: "Phoenix Amongst the Ashes is an album that we as a band worked so very hard on to achieve a record of mammoth dynamic proportions. Jade, J.J and I gave everything we had to make a death metal record that would incorporate a balance of speed, heaviness, melody, and pure power. Every song we labored over to have stand out with originality, individuality and unique creativity. We feel we accomplished everything we set out to do with this album and are very proud of the results; we hope you all will agree…"
The first single (and pre-orderig) off of Phoenix Amongst the Ashes, "Haunting Abound," can now be heard on the band's landing page here. Erik Rutan comments on the first single; "Haunting Abound is a song that we feel carries the intensity and the vibe of traditional Hate Eternal, yet explores new territory with a certain heaviness that has never been presented before in a Hate Eternal song. Infusing more dynamics and expanding our sound whilst retaining the integrity and ferocity that fans expect from us. This is only a small taste of things to come upon listening to Phoenix Amongst The Ashes…"
Artwork was once again handled by Paul Romano (Mastodon, Chiodos, The Acacia Strain, Godflesh, Earth Crisis) who has also created cover art for Hate Eternal's I, Monarch, The Perilous Fight (DVD), and Fury & Flames. Photo above by: Aly Webster – www.alywebstarphotography.com

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