Best Of 2008 Video Voting… Headbangers Ball

I just got done reading the list of videos that are up for the "Best Of" 2008 on MTV2's Headbangers Ball. It's a really sick list of videos! I know they have been playing metal for a long time, but the mass of strict death represented this time around is very reassuring.

Here are some of our favorite bands up for voting: Abysmal Dawn, Agnostic Front, ATR, Arsis, August Burns Red, Behemoth, Bleed The Sky, Bleeding Through, Cephalic Carnage, Cryptopsy, Despised Icon, Divine Heresy, Hate Eternal, Immolation, JFAC, Kataklysm, Meshuggah, Municipal Waste, Origin, Terror, Warbringer & Whitechapel….

Take a minute and vote on some of these videos , it just may help insure that we see more of the same next year! 

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