Zildjian Announces GEN16 Website + 2 New Products!


Gen16, the Zildjian Company’s new division, has launched a new website, www.gen-16.com, and will soon release two highly anticipated virtual products, the Groove Player app for iPhone and iPad and the Gen16Grooves.com website.  
The Groove Player app can store thousands of beats and percussion patterns.  Featuring a powerful, interactive user interface, the app allows users to create their own beats or purchase beats by many of the world’s greatest drummers and percussionist from Gen16Grooves.com.  This powerful hand-held device allows users to control tempo, time signature, and drum and cymbal sound levels and post their creations to Drop Box ™ or similar websites.  The app will sell for $2.99 and be available on the iTunes App Store soon.  
Gen16Grooves.com offers beats (grooves) from thousands of the world's leading drummers and percussionists, including Kenny Aronoff, Alex Acuna, Marco Minnemann, Wolf, Eddie Bayers, Danny Seraphine, Billy Martin, and a host of other world-class players.   Formatted into “groove pallets,” the grooves are searchable by style, tempo, artist, and genre and can be auditioned using two bar loops in the form of MP3 files.  Also, users can download a complete groove and place each two bar phrase in the appropriate spot within their musical piece.  The grooves may be transferred into a ZIP folder and managed in general MIDI (GM) or optimized using the Gen16 Digital Vault “Z-Pack” or any BFD product.  Users can dial in articulations and assign sounds, mic positions, and effects.  Additionally, each groove can be purchased from or played on the Groove Player App.  Grooves can be found soon at Gen16Grooves.com.  
Zildjian also announced that the Gen16 website, www.gen-16.com, launched at 16:23 military time in honor of the year Zildjian began.  Visitors to the site can learn about all things Gen 16, from product information, news and support to artist and educational videos.   Visitors can purchase all Gen16 products online.  For more information, visit  www.gen-16.com

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