Page 31 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 31
muller cntd.

I play with it in all my bands, including Svart Crown. JB and Clement create the parts, then they build the tracks, and we put everything together. Personally, I m
Of course, this is the main part of my library. I love I personally think that the pedals don t play, the not a big worker. I play more than I work. I have back to affairs weeks before touring, to recover endurance
the Motown golden period, from 65 to 77, psyche- drummers do. If your feet can do this, you can play and speed, and I play sometimes for fun. But with all the concerts I play, I have my dose of drums.
delic tunes, modern rock bands. I m a huge fan with anything. Just tune it a little.
of the Foo Fighters, Nofx, Mr Bungle. But I think
the ones that will always be on my top 5 are Jimi SDM: Did you ever take lessons? Do you play any other instrument? Can you read music?
Hendrix and Janis Joplin. SDM: How do you prepare yourself before a show
and recording? I took a few lessons when I started, at the age of ten, just to be told about how does all this work. Two years
of teaching, I think. Then I started to play with other people in bands, covering Metallica, Pantera and all

SDM: What blast beat method do you use? Before the shows I don t do anything. Just a few these 90 s bands. I can read drum notation, but not while I m playing like Vinnie Colaiuta does, or this brain-
single strokes on a pad if another drummer has it, damaged guy, Tommy Igoe! I can read guitar tabs too, but I need half an hour to play what I see on the sheet.
Moeller Technique most of the time, and fingers I don t bring a pad on tour. Music of Svart Crown
when it s really fast (over 240bpm), but it s quite is brutal but it s not like sports. If I feel good, I
rare. Most of the time I like to keep power so I like just take a little rest. Warm-up is reserved for the SDM: What kind of gear are you using?
to use my wrists more than my fingers, even if I days that I feel bad. But never big routines like 30
manage to hit strong just with fingers. And I split minutes of 250bpm blast beats on a plastic circle. It I m in a national partnership with Ludwig and Meinl. I use Keystone and MB10 cymbals. My ride is a 22
from single to alternated kicks, it depends on the pisses me off! Soundcaster custom, not the most expensive but the greatest I tested. Concerning the sticks I mix anything,
speed and the metrics. I prefer single kick method I can have a 2B in the left hand and a Chad Smith signature in the right hand. I don t have any deal so I pick
on three times patterns, but when it s really fast I my sticks in the low-budget box, unsold ones! Concerning the other stuff, I use an old Black Panther Mapex
can go back to left-right. SDM: How do you practice? snare, from the first copper series they released, and various types of 2-ply heads. I m in quest for endorse-
ments for heads, sticks, and maybe a full deal for the drums, but even with all the tour dates we have, it s
I use to think about the drums a lot, to build drum tough.
SDM: What double bass technique do you use? parts in my head, for everything, along every kind
of music I listen to. I always try to see what the
Instinct, determination and will! I don t really swivel drummers do, in my mind. I think that under-
and I don t double stroke at all. I started to take a standing the drums is the bigger part of my work
look at those two techniques, because I disgusted since I started. When I m behind the kit, I split my
with monsters of extreme drumming I met on time between three things: working on the Svart
tour, like Jamie Saint Merat of Ulcerate. We shared Crown stuff (which is the most important), working
the drums for more than 35 gigs, and he s way on other extreme stuff (to try other things and
better than me to analyze all this. Him and Fotis of enhance creativity), and working on other things
Septic Flesh were two great advisers concerning I love, like hard-rock stuff or more soft styles (to
the foot technique, because they really master it get the right sound, the right hit, the right groove).
consciously. I play with raw energy, never over my I love music more than the drums, and I love the
abilities. My band doesn t need more, but I try to drums more than extreme drumming.
push myself just by curiosity.

SDM: How often does the band practice?
SDM: Are you very particular about your pedals?
We work a lot before recordings and before tours

Seriously, I don t really care. I just need pedals with or big gigs, but we re not locked in the rehearsal
enough tension in the springs. For example I can t room that often. I rehearse two times a week with
use DW gear, even the 9000 series, I tried it several Startruckers, my rock band, because we compose
times with the spring at maximum tension but it s all together. Svart Crown does not work like that.
too smooth to me. I like to have control, so I prefer
powerful stuff than pedals built for speed like Axis
ones. But I used to play with Axis before, I just
changed the beaters. Now I have an old Iron Cobra,

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