Page 10 - Sick Drummer Magazine Issue 27 - March 2014
P. 10
tolley cntd. SDM: Tell us about the show with Dehumanized SDM: How do you feel about collectors out their Oh yes! We currently have a new song called The
(Reunion), Waking the Cadaver, Mortal Decay, The buying bootlegged copies of your merchandise Pageantry of Savagery that we ve been playing out
Merciless Concept, and Without Remorse? We re knowing that it s their only chance to receive quite a bit. You can see and hear it on Youtube, from
Guy, I see once in a while. He recently took photos you highly anticipating this reunion with Internal Internal Bleeding CD S/vinyl/demos? the C.I.M. back in august. It s a killer tune. We can t
for our Reunion show on Long Island. He is doing Bleeding? Do you think that New York Death metal wait to write more crushing, heavier material.
well with Suffocation. I am very happy for him. Ray scene will get back to full force once again with Some of these guys are paying big bucks for some
and Frank Rini I speak to on Facebook. bands such as Internal Bleeding and Suffocation our stuff. That s dedication! One kid in Switzerland
leading the way? paid $400 for a Long sleeve tour shirt and our older SDM: What kind of set up are you using now in your
merch sells on ebay for incredible sums of money. kit? Are you using triggers and if so what kind and
SDM: What can you tell us about the project We all were excited about the reunion with some of Luckily we have a new line of merchandise available what kind of drum module? What kind of hardware
Punchyourface that Jerry and Frank put together our favorite bands. I think the scene is strong will to the fans so they won t have to buy old stuff. are you using and cymbals?
2003? return to be the best yet. I can feel it. There is an It s seriously humbling to see people with such
energy in the air that s just unmeasurable. There is fanatical interest in our back catalog as well as our I am currently using a 7 piece Pearl Export (Old
The PYF band was something Jerry and Frank B. did so much renewed interest in mid-90s death metal current stuff. School) in chrome with a Pearl DR-80 rack. Yes I am
while I.B. was not writing new material or playing and we re out to bring it back to the forefront. using an Alesis D4 drum module for triggers as well
shows. It was a heavy as shit NYHC band. I actually as a PD7. I have a mixture of Pearl and Gibraltar for
laid down the drum tracks on their release White SDM: Tell us about the MOD (The Mountains of hardware and slam on some Paiste, Sabian, and
Nights Bar Fights. SDM: How did the show go? Any future shows Death) Open air Festival in Switzerland. Stagg cymbals. These new Stagg cymbals have a
coming up? great sound for the price. They really cut through.
The show was awesome! Chris, Jay, and myself
SDM: What do you think of the current affair of the The show was awesome. It was great seeing our were nervous and excited about going to Europe. It
New York Death metal scene? friends and family come out. We have a handful was our first time playing anywhere overseas. Brian SDM: Tell us about the copyright issue with the
of shows coming up. We are playing the NYDM and Keith had been there before, touring with other first albums and how you can t re-release them
It s great that the kids are finally realizing what Milwaukee 2014 Spring Bash with Possessed and a bands. The fans , all the staff and promoter treated even though they are in such large demand?
good music is. When national acts come to town ton of other great bands. us very warm and welcoming. It was a huge success
they are coming out and supporting the scene. for Internal Bleeding. I just hope those in Europe As far as I know, when the record company folded
Unfortunately, on a local level it s still tough, but who waited so long for this moment enjoyed it as not only did the banks take their assets, but our
the interest is there. I hope we can help kick start it. SDM: What s it like having Keith Devito formerly of much as we did. rights to the material. We are in the works for
Pyrexia/Catastrophic singing for Internal Bleeding? getting them back.
What s it like playing with Chris Pervelis on guitar
SDM: What s your opinion on Gutteral Brutal Death again? How is the new comer Jason Liff coming SDM: What happened with Matt Ferrara on guitar
metal? along? and Jerry Lowe on vocals? SDM: How many new songs do you have written
with the new line up? Where will you be going to
It s bigger than ever. People eat it up. I love how Keith is a great addition to the band. I have always After the first Onward to Mecca tour, Matt had record the new album?
bands keep pushing the boundaries, tuning lower, been a fan of his work and it meshes wonderfully commitments with his job and Jerry went on to
going faster and really expanding the sound. It s with what we are doing. He fits well in the band, he promote Punch Your Face. We have one new song complete and are working
not what I want to play, but I dig it. is strictly business and funny as hell too. You have on a second. It s going to take some time because
to have a wicked sense of humor in this band and everybody is being super critical and we are experi-
be able to deal with the insults that fly your way SDM: Does Chris still have the band Autumn Reign menting with some stuff we ve never tried before.
SDM: What s it like to be known as one of the and Keith hangs right in with it Jay Liff is one cool going? It s hard to blend new things into your music
Father s of Slam Death metal? cat to have in the band. He learned the songs very and make them work with the blueprint the band
fast and has contributed some awesome riffs on God no! The dude is busy enough with a business already has, so we want to make sure everything is
It s amazing and a profound honor being a the new songs as well. His deep love of the blues to run, two kids, a house, IB, etc. perfect. I d think we d be recording in a year or so
founding father of slam metal. When we first works great in tandem with Chris s writing style. I from now, probably with Joe again.
started out people thought we were nuts, cramming think Chris and Jay are going to make a stellar riff
tons of slam riffs into one song was unheard of. writing juggernaut. SDM: Any plans on writing a new Internal Bleeding
I always said to myself you cant go wrong with album now that the band is reformed? SDM: Are there any offers yet from potential record
slammy, catchy songs that the fans can remember. labels looking to sign Internal Bleeding?
15 years later, it s all over the place... I love it!
Yes, plenty, but I cannot divulge anything right now.
10 11
(Reunion), Waking the Cadaver, Mortal Decay, The buying bootlegged copies of your merchandise Pageantry of Savagery that we ve been playing out
Merciless Concept, and Without Remorse? We re knowing that it s their only chance to receive quite a bit. You can see and hear it on Youtube, from
Guy, I see once in a while. He recently took photos you highly anticipating this reunion with Internal Internal Bleeding CD S/vinyl/demos? the C.I.M. back in august. It s a killer tune. We can t
for our Reunion show on Long Island. He is doing Bleeding? Do you think that New York Death metal wait to write more crushing, heavier material.
well with Suffocation. I am very happy for him. Ray scene will get back to full force once again with Some of these guys are paying big bucks for some
and Frank Rini I speak to on Facebook. bands such as Internal Bleeding and Suffocation our stuff. That s dedication! One kid in Switzerland
leading the way? paid $400 for a Long sleeve tour shirt and our older SDM: What kind of set up are you using now in your
merch sells on ebay for incredible sums of money. kit? Are you using triggers and if so what kind and
SDM: What can you tell us about the project We all were excited about the reunion with some of Luckily we have a new line of merchandise available what kind of drum module? What kind of hardware
Punchyourface that Jerry and Frank put together our favorite bands. I think the scene is strong will to the fans so they won t have to buy old stuff. are you using and cymbals?
2003? return to be the best yet. I can feel it. There is an It s seriously humbling to see people with such
energy in the air that s just unmeasurable. There is fanatical interest in our back catalog as well as our I am currently using a 7 piece Pearl Export (Old
The PYF band was something Jerry and Frank B. did so much renewed interest in mid-90s death metal current stuff. School) in chrome with a Pearl DR-80 rack. Yes I am
while I.B. was not writing new material or playing and we re out to bring it back to the forefront. using an Alesis D4 drum module for triggers as well
shows. It was a heavy as shit NYHC band. I actually as a PD7. I have a mixture of Pearl and Gibraltar for
laid down the drum tracks on their release White SDM: Tell us about the MOD (The Mountains of hardware and slam on some Paiste, Sabian, and
Nights Bar Fights. SDM: How did the show go? Any future shows Death) Open air Festival in Switzerland. Stagg cymbals. These new Stagg cymbals have a
coming up? great sound for the price. They really cut through.
The show was awesome! Chris, Jay, and myself
SDM: What do you think of the current affair of the The show was awesome. It was great seeing our were nervous and excited about going to Europe. It
New York Death metal scene? friends and family come out. We have a handful was our first time playing anywhere overseas. Brian SDM: Tell us about the copyright issue with the
of shows coming up. We are playing the NYDM and Keith had been there before, touring with other first albums and how you can t re-release them
It s great that the kids are finally realizing what Milwaukee 2014 Spring Bash with Possessed and a bands. The fans , all the staff and promoter treated even though they are in such large demand?
good music is. When national acts come to town ton of other great bands. us very warm and welcoming. It was a huge success
they are coming out and supporting the scene. for Internal Bleeding. I just hope those in Europe As far as I know, when the record company folded
Unfortunately, on a local level it s still tough, but who waited so long for this moment enjoyed it as not only did the banks take their assets, but our
the interest is there. I hope we can help kick start it. SDM: What s it like having Keith Devito formerly of much as we did. rights to the material. We are in the works for
Pyrexia/Catastrophic singing for Internal Bleeding? getting them back.
What s it like playing with Chris Pervelis on guitar
SDM: What s your opinion on Gutteral Brutal Death again? How is the new comer Jason Liff coming SDM: What happened with Matt Ferrara on guitar
metal? along? and Jerry Lowe on vocals? SDM: How many new songs do you have written
with the new line up? Where will you be going to
It s bigger than ever. People eat it up. I love how Keith is a great addition to the band. I have always After the first Onward to Mecca tour, Matt had record the new album?
bands keep pushing the boundaries, tuning lower, been a fan of his work and it meshes wonderfully commitments with his job and Jerry went on to
going faster and really expanding the sound. It s with what we are doing. He fits well in the band, he promote Punch Your Face. We have one new song complete and are working
not what I want to play, but I dig it. is strictly business and funny as hell too. You have on a second. It s going to take some time because
to have a wicked sense of humor in this band and everybody is being super critical and we are experi-
be able to deal with the insults that fly your way SDM: Does Chris still have the band Autumn Reign menting with some stuff we ve never tried before.
SDM: What s it like to be known as one of the and Keith hangs right in with it Jay Liff is one cool going? It s hard to blend new things into your music
Father s of Slam Death metal? cat to have in the band. He learned the songs very and make them work with the blueprint the band
fast and has contributed some awesome riffs on God no! The dude is busy enough with a business already has, so we want to make sure everything is
It s amazing and a profound honor being a the new songs as well. His deep love of the blues to run, two kids, a house, IB, etc. perfect. I d think we d be recording in a year or so
founding father of slam metal. When we first works great in tandem with Chris s writing style. I from now, probably with Joe again.
started out people thought we were nuts, cramming think Chris and Jay are going to make a stellar riff
tons of slam riffs into one song was unheard of. writing juggernaut. SDM: Any plans on writing a new Internal Bleeding
I always said to myself you cant go wrong with album now that the band is reformed? SDM: Are there any offers yet from potential record
slammy, catchy songs that the fans can remember. labels looking to sign Internal Bleeding?
15 years later, it s all over the place... I love it!
Yes, plenty, but I cannot divulge anything right now.
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