Adrien “Die” Saint-Martin
Keep up with Adrien here: www.myspace.com/lokurah Born November 9th, 1980 near Paris, I only had passion for music at 15. I was listening to severals bands like: Nirvana, Sepultura, Korn and Pantera. I began playing […]
Keep up with Adrien here: www.myspace.com/lokurah Born November 9th, 1980 near Paris, I only had passion for music at 15. I was listening to severals bands like: Nirvana, Sepultura, Korn and Pantera. I began playing […]
Keep up with Matt here: www.myspace.com/woodhavenmetal Matt Robertson Interveiw: SD.com: How old were you when you started playing? Matt: I was 17 when I started playing. I’m 20, so October 2008 will be 3 years. […]
Keep up with Darren here: www.myspace.com/veilsband If you listen to the music we make in Veils, it is all very frenetic and with that kind of metal, there tends to be a lot of emphasis […]
Keep up with Matt here: www.myspace.com/morgirion youtube.com/morgiriondrummer I started drumming in 4th grade in the music class. I bought a practice pad and practiced on only that for a couple years just practicing […]
Keep up with Matteo here: myspace.com/fomento I picked up drums a few years ago because I wanted to play in the band Marco was putting together, our masterplan was to become the Italian version of […]
Keep up with Bodo here: http://www.myspace.com/callejon I started playing drums at the age of 12 after banging away on pots, pans and pillows. Pretty much how most drummers started out I guess. Soon […]
Keep up with Matt here: www.myspace.com/mattbyrnedrummer www.myspace.com/hatebreed Hatebreed drummer Matt Byrne lives to drum and drums to live. Judging by what he’s done behind the kit for the past decade, it comes as no surprise […]
Keep up with Nate here: https://www.facebook.com/therotted www.youtube.com/desertwindsflowing Born and raised in Israel, I am a self taught drummer since the age of 13, half my lifetime ago. At 18, like all other men […]
Keep up with Caleb here: www.myspace.com/ophiuchusband www.myspace.com/thehartfordcircusfire My drumming history began at the age of three with my earliest memory, when I received a Mickey Mouse plastic toddler kit and beat the tar out of […]
Keep up with Corey here: myspace.com/godforbid I started playing about 16 years ago or so. It began with a friend of mine that played bongos actually, and I soon became entranced by the instrument. […]