Steve Shalaty Immolation/Vader Tour Blog – Day 17
Day 17 – Santa Anna, California:
The Galaxy Theatre is one of my favorite stops on tour. Chips and salsa, showers, dressing rooms. Its enough to make you feel like a star. The Lecherousmobile shows up right after we arrive and we b.s. awhile before loading in. One of the cool things about The Galaxy is the huge space behind the stage which allows direct stage access AND the opening drummers can usually set up their whole kit ahead of time. Alex jumps right on this and Ken soon after. I took a picture from the balcony that shows the set up.
After a smooth soundcheck I grab my pad and sit in with those two and try to absorb some skill. Haha. Really, these guys have very good technique and have closely examined the physical motions involved in extreme drumming. Every day is like a free lesson for me and I am already trying to incorporate some drills and grips that I've learned from either talking to or watching Alex and Ken. Ken has especially deep technique for a younger player and his top speeds are insane. He plays with his snare up in his chest and has a sick swivel going on with the double bass. He uses great economy of motion and a relaxed playing style with very tasteful hand work. Ken also has a great work ethic and whenever possible will spend nearly all day on the kit before going on stage. Pretty soon the three of us are making such a racket that the house sound guy shuts us down. Alex and I are using pads so I throw a couple old tshirts on Ken's toms and we're back in business…….for about 20 minutes 'til we get shut down again like little kids tapping the desk in school. Ha. Ken is pissed. " I wasn't even loud".
Dinner has arrived. Another perk of being a guest at The Galaxy Theatre. After dinner I feel like I could use a nap so I head to the bus. I didn't sleep well last night and I feel like maybe an hour or two would do me right.
Two hours later I get a text from Ross saying that my friend Mike, the drummer for The Dreaming Dead, was backstage looking for me. I hop up and head backstage to shoot the breeze with my old touring compadre. Soon I have to excuse myself to prep the kit with Paul. He is already there and started so it's quick work. When Paul is all set I go back to hang with Mike and loosen up. Eventually I get back down to the pads to really warm up. Vader is stirring the pit into a frenzy and the crowd is cheering between every song. I play along with Paul through the last few songs of their set.
Its go-time. I hop on and immediately start working the feet. I put on headphones and unplug the D.I. so I can play without interfering with line check. The headphones plug directly into my trigger brain and I can hear the kicks clear enough to know how warm I am. I don't get much time tonight though, as Mikey Soundcheck announces he is ready to go and the intro starts. I take a swig of blue Mountain Dew and breathe deep. I start well enough but my feet aren't quite ready for the pace my hands are setting. After a bar or two I quickly stabilize and crank out a good set. There is a section in which I play " A Glorious Epoch" and " Of Martyrs and Men" back to back that had my feet feeling a little tired but all in all I had a great time on the kit tonight. Watch out for falling safes.
The after party in the parking lot was hilarious and the weather stayed beautiful all night. Thank you to the fans for making this the best show of the tour so far. Thanks especially to those who made this their second night spent with us on this tour. And thanks to The Galaxy Theatre crew for being such gracious hosts once again.

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