Jeramie Kling – The Absence – October 2013 Tour Blog 3
Day 3 – Delaware Deathfest:
Hi! Ah… Delaware (Wayne’s world) It was spooky as hell and looked like a shady part of town (Definitely our kind of place) this place was pretty crazy, had a bunch of merch tables outside, Relapse records had a booth, a hotdog vendor and a huge clown on the front of the building (a freaky looking bastard too), that was our sign this was going to be insane. We walked in and chummed it up with Kevin Quirion from Deicide at their merch table. The place was bust a nut packed and standing room only, a quaint hot little stage was waiting for us. All the bands were amazing and we made some good friends with everyone there, especially the band Another Vendetta and Diego Soria from Disgorge, Great bands! Broken Hope, Suffocation and Deicide all put on a hell of a show!
This Was a great show for us, we rocked hard and heavy the front 2 rows wall to wall were singing all the lyrics with us and it was extremely flattering to see the amount of love for The Absence! After the show we hung out with everyone and had some drinks then all piled back in the van to join that funky smell again then on to New Jersey to Pat's Mom's house for some late night Chinese food. BOOOOM!
Huge Thank you to all the bands and everyone who came out to the Delaware Deathfest! Thanks for having us! Hope to see everyone at the next Deathfest! Next Stop TRENTON!
Oceans – Brand New Single from The Absence, is available in digital stores everywhere NOW!
Official Merch:
Instagram: TheAbsenceOfficial

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