Derrick Nau Tour Blog 10/17/09

“Skeletons in the Closet Tour 2009” – October 17th, Sacramento, California
By: Derrick Nau of Skeletonwitch

Apparently the place we are playing tonight is a well known club, similar to the Whiskey or Troubadour in LA.  It seems this theory is correct.  There are posters everywhere for upcoming shows (including the mighty Nile! Hell Yes!) and there is a lot of cool graffiti in the men’s room (which I visited four times. Yikes!)  The Red Chord, Decapitated, and many other band names are crudely scrawled about the place.  I am a part of history right now! Haha!

Another cool thing: the show is sold out tonight.  Sold out and full of hot girls. Can my night get any better?  Well, probably, but it surely can get worse. The sound man here is a nice dude, but he also has a tendency to act crazy. The show ran WAY behind.  I think between Toxic and us there was a forty minute change over (it’s supposed to be fifteen) and most of that time was the band standing around on stage ready to get started but with cables and mic’s strewn about the stage unassembled. Sigh, we ended up having to cut two or three songs to be sure we didn’t cut into BDM’s time.  Very aggravating seeing as how it wasn’t our mistake.

Lets talk about something positive, and how about this, drum related.  Shannon showed me a cool and very effective warm up exercise today.  I am always very excited to learn new things from the great drummers I have the pleasure of touring with. Shannon picked this up from someone else but his name slips my mind right now. This is primarily a finger exercise but it helps gets your entire arm warm up.  It is pretty simple.  It starts with two sets of 4’s on each hand, moves to 3’s and then two counts of a double stroke roll.  So it’s, 4 right, 4 left, 4 right, 4 left, 3 right, 3 left, 3 right, 3 left, and then immediately two counts of double stroke rolling leading back into the beginning of the exercise.

“Sounded out” it sounds like, dadadada dadadada dadadada dadadada, dadada dadada dadada dadada, brrrrrrrrdadadada. Perhaps that sounds silly but I have found it to be helpful to think about/sing what you’re going to play before you do it.  Having that mental preparation makes it easier to execute whatever you are attempting to play.

So, although there were some technical difficulties, today turned out to be a good day.  I’ll see you tomorrow.


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