Tommy Igoes Groove Essentials 2.0

When it was originally released in 2004, master drummer/educator Tommy Igoe's Groove Essentials DVD and Play-Along Book/CD set the world standard for groove development. Practical yet progressive, Groove Essentials provided an encyclopedia of fundamental drumset patterns for drummers of every age, ability level and musical application. Today, tens of thousands of drummers and teachers around the world, from beginning students to full-time professionals, use Groove Essentials 1.0 to enhance their technique, musicianship and general drumset knowledge. And now, Groove Essentials 2.0 from Hudson Music and Vic Firth picks up where the top-selling original left off.

Complementing the 47 grooves contained in Groove Essentials 1.0, Groove Essentials 2.0 features a DVD and companion book/CD package with 53 brand new grooves and over 100 variations for intermediate to advanced players. Students will learn the difference between ghost and grace notes (while being encouraged to experiment with both in all six groove families) as well as important go-to grooves, like the Train and Bo-Diddley beats. For more advanced players and professionals, GE 2.0 introduces the concepts of groove construction, interpretation and manipulation training drummers to think like musicians in order to maximize their full potential. The DVD features more than 70 new songs covering 4/4, 2/2, 6/8 and 3/4 time signatures, with three levels of difficulty for 5/4, 7/8 and 9/8 meters.

On the 3-hour, 45-minute DVD, Igoe discusses and demonstrates each groove in multiple tempos, alone and with a band, with many patterns shown on both acoustic and on Roland HD-1 and TD-9 electronic drumkits. Groove Essentials 2.0 grooves cover Rock, Funk, R&B/Hip-Hop, Jazz (sticks and brushes), World/Specialty, Extreme Tempos, All-Purpose, Hybrid, Rideless, Classic and Odd-Meters. The DVD also features German, Spanish and Japanese subtitles.

The Groove Essentials 2.0 companion Play-Along book and CD contain over 90 tracks, including every song from the DVD in their full-length versions, minus the drums; allowing drummers to expand their skills by playing any of the grooves with a band and recording themselves on audio or video (optional) to help facilitate the learning process. These tracks also supply a variety of fill-in and soloing opportunities to challenge advanced players. In addition, the GE 2.0 Play-Along Book and CD feature Igoe's extended global tours that will test even the most seasoned professional's chops, creativity and stamina and, as a first of it's kind bonus, there is a full-length orchestral play-along track designed to provide a taste of playing in a full orchestra, complete with multiple moving tempos, dynamics and feels.

A large poster of all 53 Groove Essentials 2.0 patterns is also included with the DVD (courtesy of Vic Firth) and a free sample lesson along with other online support is available as part of Hudson's Complete" integrated, multi-media music education system at . All together, the Groove Essentials series is designed to be the most practical, comprehensive and musically useful drumset method ever produced.

Here's a sampling of comments from a handful of satisfied teachers and students who are modern-day disciples of Groove Essentials:

" Groove Essentials has moved me further in a few lessons than I've been able to get on my own in over 20 years. Dusty (UK)
" The most practical, fun and well-conceived drumset book in a long time. Chris (Texas)
" I use your package any time I can with my students. Paul (Rhode Island)
" The book, CD and DVD are fantastic! I can't stop playing them. Orv (unknown)
" I just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying your Groove Essentials book and DVD. It has re-sparked my passion for drums and drumming! Graham (Canada)
" I have been glued to my screen watching the DVD since it arrived. Kevin (Australia)
" Nothing has ever helped me, or expanded my knowledge on the drumset, more than your DVD. Matt (New Jersey)
" One of the best and most practical educational materials out there. Carlos (Georgia)

Groove Essentials 2.0 DVD ($24.95) and book/CD ($24.95) as well as a specially-priced DVD/Book/CD Combo Pack ($39.95) are available at leading drumshops and music stores everywhere. For more information, please contact Hudson Music at tel: (888) 796-2992, fax: (914) 246-5282, e-mail: hudsoninfo[at], or visit:

Я "Российская летопись" ощутил, что находясь в своем рациональном и прозаичном "ОРЗ Руководство для здравомыслящих родителей" мире, она пытается постичь открытые мной для нее "ЕГЭ 2013 История России в таблицах и схемах 6-11 кл. Справ. материалы" возможности, разглядывая этот инструмент извращенной технологии, который убил ее мужа "4D брэндинг Взламывая корпоративный код сетевой экономики" и перекрыл главную магистраль ее жизни.

Всюду "Удерживая видение" валяются трупы людей, и лошади, опрокинутые повозки с амуницией, торчат орудия лафетами вверх.

Я снова "Опасные приключения Мигеля Литтина в Чили" обращусь в фонд трудовых резервов и, может "Золотой горшок и другие новеллы" быть, мне больше понравится следующая работа, которую мне найдут.

Через "Справочник по дифференциальным уравнениям с частными производными первого порядка" неделю у них будет "Война и мир Шедевр мировой литературы в одном томе" день открытых дверей, и мы все вместе "Новая цивилизация Кн.8 ч.1" туда сходим.

Этого будет достаточно для Открывающего Путь и Пространство.

В жизни не слышала ничего более удивительного.

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